What is a Mental and Emotional Health Skills Coach?

A Mental Health Skills Coach is someone who walks along side you in an emotional or mental health crisis "coaching" you on coping skills, cheering you on, providing support, and solutions to the mental or emotional crisis events you are facing.

Though trained in Mental Health, the Coach does not provide a Mental Illness Diagnosis, does not provide Mental Health Professional Treatment, or is a substitute to a Licensed Psychologist, Therapist, or Counselor. However, Dr. Mike Ferguson as a qualified Mental Health Skills Coach, when the situation is beyond his training, will refer you to a Licensed Mental Health Professional.

Your imagine of a Coach, as it relates to sports, knows the field and understands how to Coach you to adopt methods and skills to help you become much more emotional healthy.

How Does Mental and Emotional Health Skills Coaching Works?

Mental Health Skills Coaching takes place through modern technology or Email, Instant Message, Text, and Video Chat. A Monthly Fee is charged with no limit on the number of times you can use these platforms of connecting with the Mental Health Skills Coach.

You are assessed a Monthly Membership fee, which you can cancel at any time, and much like a gym membership, or a subscription to a service or technology, you can reach the Mental Health Skills Coach as often as is needed.

Mental Health Skills Coaching is available to:

  • Individuals (teens, college age students, adults)
  • Couples
  • Organizational and Company Teams
  • Parents or Grandparents in need of Coping Skills for children, teens, or adult children
  • Anyone with an emotional crisis that initially does not need long term therapy and would like to connect with a Mental Health Coach without ever leaving their home, driving to a counselor's office, or letting others know they are seeking the help of an Emotional Coping Skills Coach

What is the Cost and How Do I Get Started?

The Unlimited Connection Plan for the Mental Health Skills Coach is $40 a month ($10 a week) (This is for a limited time as we launch this new service) and can be charged to your Debit or Credit Card. You do not sign a contract and you can cancel at anytime. Depending on when you begin your Emotional Coping Skills Membership, your fee will be pro-rated.

To learn more, ask questions, or start your relationship with a Dr. Mike, your Mental Health Skills Coach, send an email. Help is available now and you can start almost immediately.

I hope to Coach you through some of life's great challenge.

A Special Offer to Churches with Limited Access to Mental Health Skills Coaching

Pastor, imagine having "as part of your staff" a Mental and Emotional Health Skills Coach. Someone you, your staff, and those in your church could connect with when facing an emotional crisis or a mental health challenge and they need to have someone coach them with solution-focused methods.

Someone who is Christ-Centered, Spirit-Filled, and a well trained mental health skills coach to help you, your team, and those suffering a crisis connect with them via Email, Instant Message, Text, or Video Chat?

It is very simple to provide this Emotional Skills Coping to the ministry you provide your people. Instead of individual's paying for the Mental Health Skills Coaching, your church pays, $75 a month as a Membership (This is cost is for a limited time), and everyone who attends your church, provided with a special code you given them (they would have to connect with you first to obtain the code), can reach out and be heard, non-judgmentally, assessed for suicidal risk or harm, given reassurance, hope, and prayer over their emotional crisis, encouraged to follow Bible-Centered coping solutions, and if needed, encouraged to get the appropriate professional help.

Your church could provide a Mental and Emotional Health Skills Coach to your entire church family. It is like having a professional coping skills crisis interventionist on your staff.

Your Youth Pastor, Children's Pastor, Parents, Teens, and anyone who you want to give the passcode provided for your church too, to receive some solution-focused skills coaching. With limited resources in your community, this is a great ministry to offer those you Pastor each and every week.

Email me or call me at 417-501-9662 to discuss the details. We want to serve you as you serve those God has called you too.